Wondermelon Morph Tape
Wondermelon Intense Rainbow Morphing Tape
Vinyl/Morph semi-stretch based tape
Lays like butter
Great for Hoops to Lures
Residue free
Made in USA
Check out HOOP HELP for tubing details, mega easy ordering info & step-by-step linked help, and other gnarly hoop options & possibilities
❊This is a tape listing for various gnarly desires
❉Select from rolls of tape to full tape jobs on any gnarly hoop you purchase
LIMIT 1 ROLL per Order*
➔ Ordering Taped Hoops:
1) Order HOOP You Desire; Input Diameter in OD
2) Order Tape per Type of Hoop (Mini, Full Hoop, etc)
*Refer to Hoop Help web pages
➔ Tapes are 7/8" wide + residue free
PriceFrom $8.75