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Types of Hoop Connections

Types of Hula Hoop Connections Types of Connections for Hula hoops Push button rivets friction fit

From Left to Right..

Far Left ☞ Friction Fit

A connector 1/8" smaller fits snuggly into your hoop thanks to friction. This connection is most aesthetically appealing, as it gives your hoop a smooth, unhindered appearance. Recommended for those experienced with hoops only. Beginners, please note that this connection may pop open during leg hooping and chest hooping; taping the connection can be helpful. Sanding the connector always creates greater friction. Recommended for Mini Hoops.


Middle Left ☞ One Rivet

Friction fit is used on one side of the connection and a permanent, almost non-existent, metal fixture is put into place on the opposite connection side. The rivet holds the connector on the non-friction side. A fairly desired connection by all sorts of hoopers, but leg and chest hooping may cause the hoop to separate. Sanding the connector always creates greater friction. Recommended for those with experience of this connection only and for Mini Hoops.


Two Right ☞ Push Buttons

Most preferred and recommended. A push button is placed on the opposing side of the rivet, creating a feature that can be pushed down, releasing the hoop from a sturdy connection, and allowing for separation. Versatile and secure.


Diameter Help
Divide your total height, in inches, in half then add 2-3"
I.E. 5' = 60"/2= 30" +3 = 33" diameter
What connection is best for hula hoop? Types of Hula Hoop Connections Types of Connections for Hula hoops Push button rivets friction fit what connection to get for my hoop best connection for travel hoop information photo of hoop connections

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