
Miss B
Sep 11, 2022
Trauma | Living in Fear
Trauma Later in Life PTSD and CPTSD are the result of experiencing intense negative experiences, even just once in life. Trauma is not...

Miss B
Sep 6, 2022
High & Low Standards
It doesn't matter if you have high aspirations and big goals, because living with a low set of standards will prevent each one of us from...

Miss B
Sep 1, 2022
Boundaries & Nervous System Dysregulation
Lacking or not having boundaries puts you at great risk for a dysregulated nervous system and all the mental, physical, and emotional...

Miss B
Aug 8, 2022
We Have Control | We Are Our Habits
Ever look around at life and wonder, how did I get exactly here? What shaped this reality that I live in, minute by minute? Why the f* do...